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Virgo Love Reading - end of July 2021

Happy news and a serious commitment coming true

Crowning Energy - Express Your Love

"Go ahead and make the romantic gesture."

Energy between them - Archangel Uriel

"Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open to greater love. I will help you release anger and unforgiveness from your heart and mind."

His side - He needed some private time and space to concentrate on his own thoughts and to contemplate on what he really wants to do in his life. His overall situation and relationships have been on hold for some time due to some restrictive circumstances which were beyond of his control. Some time had to pass before he could be able to do what he wants in his life. His situation, however, is changing for the better and the restrictions which were holding him back are starting to fall. He will be going for a new beginning in his life in a stable and committed way and he will be making it official, he could be even thinking of getting married. He is a traditional type of a man, he could be Taurus or Scorpio and he likes to stay fixed to the old fashioned family values and roles he's been raised with. He will be taking this relationship to the next level of commitment and he could be investing himself financially into it as well. He could be buying a house and getting married, or moving in with someone. He knows that the next chapter in his life will be one of stability and solid commitment. I get a pretty solid energy about this guy.

Her side - She might get a bit of a pleasant surprise from him as she never expected that she will ever hear from him again. It could have been a while since she last spoke to him and she maybe thought that it was over. She will be more than happy to see him again as this is what she always wanted all along, it will be wish coming true for her. The Page of Wands is an exciting new offer coming in which will make her happy and content again and it will fulfil some wish she had before, maybe she just wanted to see him again. She will see a new man in him this time around, a man who is a lot more stable, mature and sure in himself and a man who has all his emotions in balance and calm. He knows now what he's got to offer and this is his calm and loving heart and his stability and support for her. He could be more financially stable too as the King of Pentacles is someone who works a lot and he's the rock in the family or the relationship he is in.

If you like a private reading let me know.

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