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Leo General Love Reading - September 2021

Starting anew with a past connection, focusing on stability

Tarot - Your main focus is around your long term financial stability and having a relationship in your life which will last for many years ahead for you. A lot of these cards show an earth energy around you, you could be dealing with an earth sign - Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn. You could be away from each other but you will be getting closer, either physically or emotionally and you will be starting a new solid beginning between you based on a stable commitment, loyalty, trust and an equal partnership. You could decide to work together on a new work project or to manage things in life in general as a team of two stable partners supporting and relying on each other. The Wheel is a card of destiny and fate being involved, the Universe assisted you into meeting and coming together in this lifetime and you don't need to worry or hesitate into making the move. It's going to work out just fine.

Moonology - A new start is coming! This card is also about a new beginning, it's a very positive card and it means you are on the right path in life into achieving something you have always wanted. Something new is about to start in your life and it will be the fulfilment of a long held dream. You could be getting back to something and re-starting it again but this time with a future orientated vision and a positive focus on your long-term goal. A new cycle in life begins for you now and it's time to start on a clean slate.

Affirmation: “I’ll see it when I believe it.”

Romance Angels - Past-Life Relationship - "You have known each other before." There could be someone in your life who you know already or you feel you have always known each other. You could be kindred spirits and you feel very close to each other without having had the time to get to know each other. The connection is very strong, natural and easy going and you need to trust your instincts with this person. There is no coincidence in this Universe. You've met this person for a reason.

If you like a private reading regarding your own personal situation you can PM me to arrange time for your session. Private readings are paid in advance via PayPal: 3 cards quick reading - £5 ($6 or €6) 15 min online reading - £10 ($12 or €12) 30 min online reading - £20 ($25 or €23) 60 min online reading - £40 ($50 or €46)

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