(to whoever it resonates to)
Today's New Moon in Libra is beneficial for bringing balance into your personal relationships and partnerships. The cards are showing that there is a new love coming which will have all that it takes to manifest into a long term family union. Someone will follow their dream for having a happy family on their own and they will come forward with a love offer or a proposal, and their most sincere emotions. The Ace of Cups is about a new romantic beginning and the Ace of Pentacles is about a new stable beginning, the 10 of Cups brings together a group of people into a happy family unit in which they feel fulfilled and blessed to be together for this lifetime. There could have been some setbacks and difficulties into achieving this dream but the Oracle cards are suggesting that your dream are still within reach and your hope, optimism and positive thinking will help align the circumstances surrounding you into starting this new relationship on a new level.
If you like to book a private reading let me know. My services are described in the link below. Private readings are paid in advance through PayPal: nina.tarot.readings@hotmail.com PM me first to arrange time. 3 cards quick reading - £5 ($6 or €6) 15 min online reading - £10 ($12 or €12) 30 min online reading - £20 ($25 or €23) 60 min online reading - £40 ($50 or €46) https://www.ninatarotreadings.com/services