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Cancer Love Reading - July 2021

Commitment is on hold due to financial circumstances

Crowning Energy - Keep an Open Mind

"Your soul mate may differ from your usual type and expectations."

Energy between them - Astara

"You deserve the best! Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don't compromise."

His side - He is not ready yet for a committed relationship and at the moment the future of his love life could be on hold. The reasons are very likely to be financial as the 10 of Pentacles reversed is about lack of financial stability which could be invested for their stable life together. For him the future looks bleak and unhappy, he tends to look on things pessimistically and at times he is losing hope. The Hanged Man is reversed so that means these restrictions and suspension time will be over soon and he will be able to put his dreams into action. The Empress reversed could be representing that if he commits to her now under these unfavourable for him financial circumstances which he found himself in, she won't be happy with him in their relationship in the long term and it won't last. He could also be thinking that she deserves the best out of life and he is not going to be able to provide her with that.

Her side - She's been putting a lot of genuine feelings and love into her connection with him until now and she is starting to feel sad and disappointed that he is not taking the relationship further. She could feel that this is not fair on her as she put so much into it and sometimes she could feel right down about it. The 2 of Pentacles reversed shows lack of balance in this, especially if it's about money but it could also be about the lack of emotional stability. She never knows what is going to happen next, if this is going to end at some point with him or it will become something more in the future. I feel that she is on hold with him too because of that and there is a sense of imbalance and injustice between them that his financial circumstances are not her fault and it's not fair on her to keep her life on hold too.

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