Lessons learned and the old ways had changed, trying again in a new way.

Tarot - Something had to be learned from the past so the full and complete happiness you could have together can shine uninterrupted. You might have to try again to make this work and this time better after having learned and improved from the experiences from the past. Someone wasn't giving enough into that connection and that led to the end of it. One party was giving more than the other and their efforts weren't reciprocated. The Death brings an end to the past way of life and the old understandings and fresh new start for the future. Life had to change in a big and major way so the past mistakes don't happen again. There will be an emotional reunion with your special person as your connection never really faded away or ended. You both feel that you belong together and you have a lot of love to share with each other. You will get together again and you will both devote your time and efforts on establishing your stable future together. Slow progress is a sure progress.
Moonology - "Don't let your past hold you back." Affirmation - “I release the past” The South Node is the Karmic point, it refers to the past. You could be stuck in a Karmic pattern which needs to be released if you want to reach your full potential in the future. You could be stuck in a toxic Karmic situation or a relationship which are not allowing you to have your personal freedom to make your own choices and to evolve. You could have been stuck in this all your life and now is the time to set yourself free from everything that is holding you back. Someone could be playing on your fears or creating toxic drama in order to pull the strings on what is happening in your life. You could be in a co-dependent relationship with someone, seeking approval and trying to please them. You need to end this unhealthy pattern if you want to fulfil your own personal dreams and find your own happy ending.
Romance Angels - Free Yourself - "It's time to take back control of your life" You need to free yourself from any negativity, around you and in you, negative people, negative thoughts, to be able to feel happier and more positive emotions. If your heart is trapped in something sad and resentful, you will never be able to experience more positive vibes. Taking control over your emotional space means that you only allow good and positive energies and people to be around you and not to influence you negatively.
If you like a private reading regarding your own personal situation you can PM me to arrange time for your session.
Private readings are paid in advance via PayPal: nina.tarot.readings@hotmail.com
3 cards quick reading - £5 ($6 or €6)
15 min online reading - £10 ($12 or €12)
30 min online reading - £20 ($25 or €23)
60 min online reading - £40 ($50 or €46)