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The Major Arcana represents the Fool's Journey though life and the lessons, events and people he meets which shape him into the person he is going to become. The Fool is each one of us at the beginning of life and of our spiritual journeys. Every Major Arcana card represents an important milestone and destined event in his life. It starts with the development of consciousness and the awareness of one's own intuition, it meets his parents, father and mother and they teach him the norms and values of his society. It comes a time when he has to make his own choices and to win his own victories. 


The Fool is about starting something entirely new in your live, whether is a new relationship, a new career path, a trip overseas that will change your life, the Fool welcomes everything that is new in his life. There is no holding back and whatever lies ahead has a lot more to offer than what is left behind. The Fool is the Free Spirit we all have inside us that prompts us to seek and explore new paths in life.  

Love & Relationships - You could have met a new person who is quite different from what you have known before, a person who will show you new ways and new understanding of life and love and you will keen and excited to begin your next new experience with them.

Work & Career - You are about to start a new type of job which will be the next step in your career, or a new business venture, in a whole new place, with new people or you could be moving to a new place of work sometimes away from home, even internationally, or starting something entirely new which you have never done before.


The Magician is about the power to create whatever reality a person wants to have in their life. The initial conception of a thought and an idea comes from the conscious mind. Whatever we think, we create. The Magician could be anyone, you have all that it takes to do whatever you want from your life. This card shows that you can manifest anything in your life and it starts with your mind. 

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​The Empress is the archetype of a natural feminine beauty, motherhood, fertility and the abundance of her unconditional love and devotion to her family. Her love is endless and enduring. If she is standing next to the Emperor in a relationship reading, she is his right hand and his main supporter in anything he decides to do in life. She is the nurturing and caring wife and a mother of his children and with her the Emperor feels at peace and free to do his manly things knowing that he can trust her to take a good care of his family. The Empress and the Emperor together are a power couple as their unconditional and devoted love for each other empowers them both to be the best versions of themselves they can be. 

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The Emperor represents a man in your life or around you  who is responsible, mature and wise and he makes sure that everyone in his domain is looked after and protected. He is the head of the family and the authority figure in any situation including in his own life and no one questions his judgement or decisions. His family just knows that they can trust him to do what's best for everyone. In love and family readings he represents the good father and husband type who puts his family first and in work and career readings he could be your boss. The Emperor is the ultimate mature alpha male character who does things his own way and he also leads with wisdom and care. His decisions are based on his experience and maturity and he knows for himself that he is strong enough to lead his kingdom in a safe and efficient way. 

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The Hierophant is about following the traditions and the values of the society or cultural group you have been brought up with and carrying this values to the next generations. Your parents and grandparents and all the adults around you, like teachers, religious leaders, mentors,  install a certain set of values and expectations in you as you are growing up and this is how you are raised up and taught to believe a good person should be. These could be moral or religious values, depending on the culture, which all the members are expected to follow. 

In a love and relationship reading, the Hierophant coming up means that there is a potential for a traditional, established relationship based on common values and a spiritual connection. It is also the card for marriage, the spiritual union between two mature individuals. This could be a religious marriage with the blessings and approval from both the parents and the priest and the exchange of vows. The Hierophant represents a solid social structure based on the strong foundations of respect and conformity of the good old fashioned values, the same values the previous generations were brought up with. In religious terms represents the institution of marriage which is the single most important unit of a strong society and the passing of the traditional cultural values from one generation to another. If you pulled this card in a relationship reading it means things are about to get pretty serious and that you and your person have the potential to establish your own family unit together and to live your lives together passing on your shared values to your children and grandchildren, you become a social unit on your own.

In work and career readings, the Hierophant is about doing the work as you are taught to by your teachers, mentors, older professionals who had passed their experience onto you. This card is also about higher learning and advancing in your career and in the hierarchy of knowledge. It could be about attending college or university and rising higher into it's hierarchy. It's about everyone who is part and belongs to a work structure, educational institution or a long standing organisation following the same set of rules and work ethics and values, and carrying that knowledge further and higher into the work setting. If you are part of this larger structure, you will have go by the shared set of rules and you will be looked after as a member of that institution, they will have an obligation to you too.

Nina Tarot Readings 2021
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The Chariot card carries a very strong masculine energy. It represents the strong will, stubbornness, masculinity, power, physical and mental strength, perseverance and fierce determination to fight for a cause, to win and to conquer and to achieve your success. The picture on the card shows a Roman warrior standing on his chariot. He is in full control of his own destiny and of where his chariot is going. The only way for him is forward as chariots don't go back.  No one will be able to stand on his way to achieving his goal, he has set his mind on it.  If something or someone tries to obstruct him or stop him, he will charge his fierce power over them and  he will still arrive at his final victory glorious. The Chariot always wins as it's in his nature not to give up easily and to give what it takes to make a success out of what he wants to achieve. 

In a general reading, this card coming up indicates that you need to charge all your energy and passion into the goal you want to achieve, to stay focused and fixed on what you want to achieve and you will get it at the end. 

In a love and relationship reading, the Chariot is about going after what you want and not allowing other people, situations or circumstances to affect you or take you off your course. 

In a work and career reading, the Chariot is about putting your career goals and future success first and overcoming all obstacles and difficulties with the will power of a Roman soldier set on a conquest.


Nina Tarot Readings 2021
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The Hermit is about inner introspection and reflection and having a time in solitude to seek the deeper truth within. All the answers you are seeking can be found within yourself, if you only give yourself a little bit of peace and solitude.

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Work & Career - ​


The Justice card is about taking the responsibility for all your actions in the past and owning up to your mistakes or lack of good judgement. People who usually do that come from a good place in their hearts as their own moral integrity nudges them to go ahead and to do the right thing. If you feel you have done wrong to someone in the past, if you lied to them or mislead them in any way, now is your time to make things right and to apologise and ask them for their forgiveness. The Justice card reminds us that every wrong in life can be made right and all of us can be forgiven for our past mistakes. Making a poor choice in the past it doesn't have to be a life sentence

If you feel someone has done wrong to you, the Justice card coming up in your reading means that you will be approached with an apology from this person and they will want to make things right with you. In other terms, the Justice card represents Karmic Justice and that if we don't try to fix our mistakes now and if we don't take the responsibility for any wrong doing, Karma will do it for us. The truth can not be hidden for long and the Laws of the Universe will bring everything back into the right energetic balance. If you have done wrong to other people - wrong will come to you, if you have done right - Karma will sure reward your honesty and integrity and goodwill with the infinite blessings that you deserve.

In a love and relationship reading the Justice card means that you will be treated right by your partner, they will be honest and truthful with you and the relationship will be well balanced and accommodating of each other's differences. If you are single, it means that all the love and the right treatment you have given away, even if it was to the wrong people, will come back to you from unexpected sources. If people in your past didn't treat you right and never appreciated all that you did for them because you loved them, now you will be meeting a new partner who will treat you right and accordingly and he or she will give you the same back.

In a work and career reading, the Justice card coming up means that all your effort and time spent into building your career will be rewarded in terms of future success and you will be getting exactly what you deserve in terms of pay or new opportunities. Nothing that has been given in a good will and from a place of good integrity in your heart goes away for good. The Universe picks up on everything and especially on the energy you are sending out to it. If you have worked hard and honest all your life, and even if you have suffered losses and setbacks in your career, the Karmic Justice will make sure that you get the exact rewards which are meant for you .

Remember that "Integrity is everything."

Nina Tarot Readings 2021
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The energy of the Star is of a renewed hope and optimism for the future. You might have gone through the ups and downs of life even through some pretty devastating events and damaging experiences where all seemed lost, but sooner or later the Star of a New Hope rises again for you on the horizon. You have overcome the upheavals and the torment of the Tower and now you are starting to look with more hope towards your future and your overall outlook on life is becoming more positive, bright and optimistic. In a love and relationship reading the Star could signify a new person entering your life and bringing the so much needed fresh hope and inspiration for the future. It's time for healing and regeneration of your Spirit, the events of the Tower didn't manage to beat you down. You are recovering from a past disappointment of your hopes and dreams going down the drain and now you are seeing a new hope and light in front of you. The guiding spark of the Star will lead you where you need to be. In a work and career reading, the Star shows that your career has a good future ahead with a lot of new opportunities and new goals to achieve. You will be able to follow your dreams professionally and make great new plans for the future. 


The Star reversed is about negative thinking and pessimism. You could be losing hope and not believing that anything good is ever going to happen to you. You could be blaming yourself about things gone wrong in your life before and you might not feel not deserving enough of anything good coming into your life now. This could make you feel quite restricted on the chances you take in life and on the vision you have for yourself and your future. You could be ignoring your intuition and not following your heart's desires which could lead you out of this pessimistic trap. The Star is about following your dreams and always aiming high and better so when the Star comes up reversed it shows that you are losing part of your self-esteem and self-belief that next time things will go right. In a love and relationship reading this card could be that either you don't see a happy future and a positive outcome of your current relationship, or that at the moment the chances to meet someone new are bleak. In a work and career reading, the Star reversed is about reaching a dead end in your career and not seeing any new options and possibilities for yourself. 


Nina Tarot Readings 2021

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The energy of the World card is one of completion, final success, satisfaction and fulfilment. Anything you've been working and striving for in life is finally coming nicely together and you feel that you have achieved your final goal. You finally have it all and there is nothing else you could wish for. This could be in an emotional or in practical sense. When you reach to the last card of the Major Arcana you have completed your previous cycle in life and you are now ready to begin a new one. In love and relationship reading this card coming up could mean that you have found the partner you've always imagined and wished for and this is exactly the person who is making you feel happy, complete and fulfilled in any aspect of your being. In a work or career reading, the World card means that you have completed all the goals you have set for yourself previously and that your career in on the right track moving forward towards a total success. 




The World the reversed is about a lack of personal content and satisfaction. You could be always feeling that there is still more to life than what you've known already and you are still looking for that thing. You could be feeling incomplete in your personal life or that your true talents and qualities are not getting a full recognition. In a love and relationship reading, the World reversed could mean that you are not feeling happy and satisfied with your current partner and you will either need to try to change things for the better or to seek your way out. In a work and career reading, the World reversed means that you haven't yet met your career goals and there is still more work to be done until you get to a place where you have your final satisfaction of your work well done. 

Nina Tarot Readings 2021
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